28 December 2007


Benny: I remember you being unintentionally funny when
you were younger... the last time we hung out was a few years
ago when the family went camping together in Taos. We hung out
and talked about being little... that was fun. You're out in
California now, hope you're doing well!


Sasha: Remember we had that drama class together?
That's when we became close and laughed our asses off.
Our New Orleans trip was such a blast... there are so
many hilarious pictures of that week. And I loved our
house on Sunset together. How many parties do you think
we had? And how much money do you think we made? Good times.
I'm glad we still (sort of) keep in touch!

21 December 2007


Dave E.: I loved hanging out in school... you were so
funny and nice! And you had a really cool bedroom that
everyone liked to chill in. You took Linda and I to see
Pearl Jam and it was a blast! We had Zima beforehand...
we were crazy! There were plenty of times we hung out, but
that was a good time. I still see you from time to time and
you're still as cool to me as ever.


Rudy: You were my 1st boyfriend... in the 4th grade.
We liked eachother instantly and didn't actually kiss
until the 7th grade. We used to hold hands and that was
nervewracking enough! After middle school, I never saw
you again. You did call my sister one night about 4 years
ago... she didn't mind since you were just asking how I was.

20 December 2007


Connie/Constantine: For being loaded, you have bad body odor.
And you were really intimidating... but you were nice
to me. You'd bring me Hot Lays from the package store
and you sold us inexpensive kegs after we turned 21. We
still frequent your restaurant and I see you from time
to time. You look and smell the same.


Mike B: You are so fun! Remember when you told everyone
I tried "militantly" to hook up with you and I called you on it
'cause it was a lie? Good times. It was fun working with you at
Burt's. And I really liked it when you put us on "the list" for
shows such as the Strokes, Reverend Horton Heat, Flaming Lips and
tons of other shows. The last time we hung out was at the Neko show -
before and after. You're probably on tour right now with Jared Leto
or something. See you soon.

17 December 2007


Bree: We weren't really friends in school, you seemed
a little weird. But, I got to know you in New Orleans
(thanks for letting all 6 of us stay in your little apt.
in the quarter!) and we all a blast! And "BIG ASS BEERS"!
That was a fun experience, that Mardi Gras. Thanks again
for being a sweet, drunken hostess.


Frances: You were my grandma. When I was little and
my mom took you to get your hair done downtown, you'd
always give me quarters... back then,that was a big deal.
And you always wore red lipstick and red nail polish. I
always wanted to wear your rings and other pieces of jewelry,
they were so pretty and big! And at Christmas time, you'd
stuff our stockings with treats like candy, oranges and
walnuts. I miss you... the last time I saw you was at
your funeral.

12 December 2007


Lori G: How I love you, let me count the ways.
You are a genuinely sweet and caring person.
It's also a little funny when you get mad and
cuss because it's sooo rare! We've been to
Hawaii together 3 times for work and I'll quit
if that changes. Don't even get me started on
Nancy and her toenails. When Craig was sick, you
listened and were there for me without judgement...
I appreciate that so much. And then there's that
sweet little baby boy that you call Mathias. MJ.
GrennenBarrett. I love him. You're such a good mom,
he's a very lucky boy. And don't let me give
directions after a Beck show and many glasses
of wine. It'll get you nowhere and get me blisters.


Carlos: I barely remember you... we were really young
when we hung out at Caroline's. It was so sad when you
died because you were just a kid. It's still hard to
believe you and Daniel were only 11 or 12yrs. that
horrible day you were playing with that gun and it
went off. Such a flippin' shame.


M%$i: You're a crazy bitch. Everytime you call my work
to do a package, I secretly think of ways I can hang
up on you. And everytime you cut me off when I'm trying
to speak, I WILL call you on it. You're insane
and I'm not the only one who thinks/KNOWS this.
Get off the crack, whore.


Mark(ie): You've always been really funny. When I lived
downtown, you came by almost daily to smoke before work.
Then, when I hired you to be a barback, we really had fun!
Hope to see you soon! I still have your dubbed copy of 'GOONIES'.


Christie: You were a bully in school... you looked
like a real life version of Ms. Piggy but with brown
hair. You made my move to a new school almost unbearable...
you and your ugly friends. Then, my sister met me at
the bus stop after school one day, threatend to kick
YOUR ass if you didn't leave me alone, and all of a
sudden you wanted to be friends. After middle school,
I never saw you again.


Jarae: Oh my god, you were so mean(not to me!) but you
were also very sweet. You'd come visit me at Burt's
after I left Season's and we'd talk about the men(boys?)
in our lives. You never got why I dated Dave for so long.
You thought he was too old (35 years to my 21 years) for
me. The last time I saw you was at Lollapalooza.


Adam M: You were, and probably still are, one funny
guy. Remember the time you showed Rhonda and I your
stuff? WOW! We giggled wildy and you were awfully
proud of yourself. Your house on Calle del Sol with
Smith-ass was a den of sin. Althogh we never officially
dated, we had plenty of good times. When I lived on
Girard, you'd come and sneak me away... that was fun.
I see your brother a lot, he's as cool as ever.


Erin M: I loved hanging out at your house... I think
everyone did. Although we went to high school together,
we became friends after I started working at the Rio
Grande Cantina (the Can Can) with you. Those nights were
so much fun even though we were only 16. Yum, remember
the margaritas that were snuck to us? Oh, and you and
your dad's Xmas tree themes were always so cool... the
nuts and bolts tree was my fave. Of all the trips we all
took together, I think the Tom Petty show in Denver was
the most fun - "for the next 3 days, the rain was unstoppable."
Very fitting for that show.

11 December 2007


Dave Smith(ass): Smith-ass! You were so fun to work with
at Season's, I was bummed when you left. Remember "Chata"?
Chatha F#*@ up! The Great American Beer Festival was so
hilarious, I'm surprised we made it back to your place.
Do you still live in the same house in Denver, with Thad?
Thadeus. He liked to take E and lay in bed with numerous
gals. The last time I saw you, Amanda, Josh
(he left his capri's?) and I drove up to see Moby and
Outkast - that was one fine show... I had a hangover
from death himself. Then there was the trip you and Steve
cock-blocked Amanda and I at that one bar. And everytime I
pass the house on Calle del Sol, I always think of the
batcave. And Andy taking shits with the steaming hot
shower running. Ew. Good times. I miss you, we need to
get back in touch.


Augustine: You were my 1st boyfriend in the 9th grade -
even though I didn't ever want to kiss-and you were
so funny! No one understood why I liked someone with
braces and glasses... but, you were nice. And you played
football. And even though I was a prude til I was 18, I
still liked to look at your body. After a whole 3 weeks
of "dating"- we never went anywhere- it was over. Then,
you kept sending me those dumb Balloon-o-grams... those
were embarrassing.


Malia: You were a good friend during our year as cheerleaders. You came up with some funny shit...
remember "My name is Camel-toe, Camel-toe and I
want some Ding-a-ling, Ding-a-ling!"? And you were
the only person I knew who had sex... in middle school!
Then you moved back to Hawaii and I never saw you again.


Kiera: We so did not get along at first... maybe
because we were, and probably still are, a little
bitchy? Oh, well... our times after high school were
good times, that's all that matters. Our days at Quarter's
were so fun... we. were. BAD. ohmygod, remember our
M&M's costumes that one year? And the whole Chris, Vints,
Rhonda, Anita dilemma? One of many trips to Boulder, do
you remember "PENE"- short for 'penetrator'? Pig. And all
of the concerts we attended together? Too many to keep
track of, but there were a lot.


Johnny: You and I got along so well... we both loved to paint, listen to music and laugh at our dumb customers.
You always dedicated "Driving By Your House" to me when
you played at Burt's... loved the stalker themed tune.
You and your wife made it through the tough times and
now you're a dad! I bet you're a cool one.

07 December 2007


Rachael Jean: You're the smoker (amanda's the joker,
what does that make me again?). We attended that god
forsaken dance together and I told you I had a crush
on Aaron. You were the only person there that I liked...
including my date. A year later, we were such good friends.
You always were so witty and clever, and you still are.
Remember that time you got your nose broken, while on LSD
during that "rumble" at Roosevelt park? Those 20 some
bitches never stood a chance with our gang of 7 or so.
We thought (and knew) we were so tough. Our time at
Quarter's together was priceless. Remember that time we
shared a keilbasa sandwich w/ cheese, onions and bbq
sauce, french fries w/ queso and a mud pie w/ 2 scoops
of ice cream AND whipped cream? We were such stoners.
And our house together on Santa Fe? Remember 'Gypsy'
and how crack-ey she was? Our little ghetto-ass house...
I took Craig by there once and he didn't believe that
we lived there. Remember that time we siphoned bloody
mary's from one unit to another to sneak into the movies?
There's a photo, I may post it. Now you're a hot momma
and live in San Diego. I have to say, seeing you this
year was like you never left. We were so comfortable
together and laughed at all sorts of horribly funny
things. You'll always be Rach to me.


Vince/Vints: You were fun to work with... you
always gave us gin and tonics in "sprite" glasses.
You were hysterically funny and knew it. You kissed
like a lizard though. You'd come and hang out with
us at the Sunset house and bring treats. Then you
started dating 'Ineeda Goodlay' (anita gurule) and
we all went our separate ways. It was fun hanging
out at Jack's and going to Karaoke at The Junction.


Chris C: We started off as friends. You'd come to
my house on Sunset and bring me food and fix things.
Then you had a dream we made out and a few weeks later,
we did. We went snowboarding a bunch of times and it was
fun. Then, your crazy ex wouldn't back off so we went our
separate ways. You did try though and so did I. The last
time I saw you was a few weeks ago when you were putting
out a fire on my street...I was walking the pug and turned
around when I saw you. I'd rather not talk to you these days...
too weird. You may feel the same.


Rhonda R: You were so jealous of us... was it because
you were, and probably still are, a raging biotch? Or it
could've been the fact that I dated your man? You were not
together, why were you so mad? Remember the time we got
into a fist fight at O'Neill's when Rhonda C. and I were
having adult beverages with Chris and Vints? I SO kicked
your ass...and you knew it. Not my finest hour, but I was
only 19. What was your excuse? The two of you are now
married... w/ children. Hopefully you're happy.


Henry: You used to have curly hair when you were little.
Now, you sport tattoos and have a pit bull and some chiuahuas. You're probably the family member I see most these days.


Ruth: You were, and are probably the coolest Hawaii vendor. You drove us around in your BMW that one hot day in Waikiki
and laughed politely when Nancy called your newborn niece a
turkey. I loved your peep toes you wore that day... I never wear pink.


Pat W: I worked with you at Season's and you called me
"Warrior Princess" because of my hair. And you were constanly flirting with all the ladies... You seemed
pervy, but overall, I think you were a good guy. You
also gave us impeccable service that one Easter night...
thanks for decanting our wine.


Nikki H: At first, I thought you were a mean boss lady.
Then, I got to know you and realized you were a softy.
You lived in the mountains and always won when we arm
wrestled because you were constantly lifting 50lb. bags
of fertilizer for your gardens. You also brought my
interest in art back... you invited me a few times to
a water color class, but I always had something else
to do. You also shared a few cheesy novels with me...
I think I still have one of them somewhere.

06 December 2007


Rhett: How I love your music... it always takes
me back to when I first got into you and my life
and love then... I saw you with Old 97's w/ the girls
in Seattle while partying our asses off @ Bumbershoot,
then got to meet you here in Albuerque - with Amanda
again. You were sweaty (swoooon) from your set, but we
didn't care. I think I saw you look at my chest.


Sabra: You were our neighbor before we
moved... You had a brother named Willy
and you were older than us and you were into boys.
We (me + sis) spent the night once and we made
#976 phone calls and talked to boys. And it cost
like $5.99 a minute... your mom was pissed.
But, it was your idea.


Elsie: I always wanted to be as close to
you as Lyd was. I remember when we'd spend
the night you'd always say ,"you were asleep
as soon as your head hit the pillow!". At Christmas,
you'd wrap up rocks for the bad grandchildren
( i wasn't one of them!), laugh as they'd cry,
then pull out the real gifts from 'Santa'. When
Mom and I got into that horrible car accident, you
brought dinner over for a few nights after. When you
got sick, I remember you crying and it scared us, but
you said not to worry, you were ok. When you died,
everyone was so sad. I dreamed about you after and
you were just as sweet in my dreams as you were in
person. I think of you often.


Tina: You were very mean to me when I moved to
Reginald Chavez elementary.... you even slapped
me once. I remember seeing the hand mark on my
face. Then, somehow we became friends. We hung
out at recess and laughed our asses off. We also
dissected a cow's heart in the 5th grade and made
jokes about 'Tuck's Hemmoroid Pads'... we were so
funny. In the 8th grade you brought Mad Dog(apple?)
to class in those bottles that had a fat plastic straw...
good times.


Mr.Cooke: You were my 8th grade math teacher.
You HATED that Celeste and I CONSTANTLY passed
notes to eachother and didn't pay attention. You
even yelled, "NEGATIVE FUCKING 5!!!" one day when
we were chatting and didn't know the answer due
to said chatting. No wonder I suck at math.


Angelica: We went to Navajo elementary school
together and we were pals. You shared your
pomegranate with me. We played together at
recess for a year... even when I came to
school w/ a bandage on my chin after being
in a car accident.

05 December 2007


Cheryl: Everyone called you Mrs. Godding, but you
let me call you by your first name. As a Chicago native,
you loved the Cubs and the Bears and tried to get your
students to love them too. You thought I was a good
leader and always had me in charge of group activities.
I'll always remember making popcorn in class and even now,
the smell of cooking oil reminds me of that day. I liked
when we went to a Duke's baseball game and to the movies.
I know that you missed your husband who lived in New York
and I wanted so badly to go with you when you moved there.
I wonder if you're still together...?


Esther: You've always been someome that I can
count on. I can recall numerous times that
I've needed you and you always show. When we
were little, I liked it when we picked up roasted
chicken w/ old fashion Cokes and had picnics in
the park. Those were good times for me. Then I
had to became a know it all teenager who stole
your Marlboro Lights and eventually we drifted
apart. I wish I were a better daughter to you.
I suppose it's not too late...